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Conferences & Symposium

Chung-Ang U. (2024.03.01~Current)

32. (Oral, English) An Injectable Hydrogel for Locoregional Anticancer Immunotherapy, Post-A3 Foresight: Japan-China-Korea Symposium for Material Symbiosis 2024, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 24-27, 2024 

31. (Oral, English) An Injectable Hydrogel for Locoregional Anticancer Immunotherapy, 2024 Fall Meeting of The Korean Society For Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Busan, Korea, Sep. 25-27, 2024 

30. (Oral, English) An Injectable Hydrogel for Locoregional Anticancer Immunotherapy, 2024 Nano Korea, Ilsan, Korea, July 03-05,  2024


29. (Oral, English) Locoregional Hydrogel for Anticancer Immunotherapy, ERC International Symposium 2024, Chung-Ang University, Korea, May 20,  2024

Yonsei U. (2022.09.01~2024.02.29)

28. (Oral, English) Locoregional Hydrogel for Anticancer Immunotherapy, 2023 Fall Meeting of The Korean BioChip Society, Jeju, Korea, Nov. 15-17,  2023


27. (Oral, English) Locoregional Gelatin-Based Hydrogel for Anticancer Immunotherapy, The 13th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (The 33rd Korean Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (KCCS), Jeju, Republic of Korea, Oct. 31-Nov. 03, 2023


26. (Oral) A Journey Toward Nitric Oxide-Mediated Anticancer Therapy, 2023 Fall Meeting of The Korean Society For Nuclear Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 03-04,  2023

​25. (Oral) An Injectable Hydrogel Releasing Drug-Laden Micelle in situ for Anticancer Immunotherapy, 2023 Fall Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Jeju, Korea, Oct. 11-14, 2023 

24. (Oral) A Journey Toward Nitric Oxide Immunotherapeutics, 2023 Fall Meeting of The Korean Society For Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Busan, Korea, Oct. 04-06, 2023 

23. (Oral) A Journey Toward Nitric Oxide Immunotherapeutics, 2023 Fall Meeting of The Korean Society For Biomaterials, Jeju, Korea, Sep. 21-22, 2023 


22. (Poster, English) Locoregional Nitric Oxide Delivery in Cancer Immunotherapy, Controlled Release Society 2023 Annual Meeting & Exposition, Las Vegas, USA, July 24-28, 2023


BEFORE TENURE-TRACK (2009.03.01~2022.08.31)


21. (Oral, English) Host-guest Nanoparticle System for Therapeutic Agent Co-delivery for Nitric Oxide-Potentiation of Cancer Immunotherapy. Society For Biomaterials 2022 Annual Meeting and Exposition, Baltimore, USA, April 27-30 (2022)


20. (Oral, English) Novel Platforms for Nitric Oxide Delivery, The 37th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials. Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 9-10 (2015) 


19. (Oral) Platforms for Nitric Oxide Delivery, 2015 Fall Meeting of Korean Chemical Society. Daegu, Korea, Oct. 14-16 (2015) 


18. (Poster, English) Nano-assembled drug carrier from multivalent host-guest interaction of poly-cyclodextrin and poly-paclitaxel for in vivo anti-cancer therapy. The 5th Asian Biomaterials Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, May 6-9 (2015)


17. (Poster, English) Rationally designed platform for surficial NO delivery, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting & Exhibits. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Dec. 1-6 (2013)


16. (Poster) Ultrasmooth materials-independent surface chemistry and nanodepot for nitric oxide using poly(norepinephrine). 2013 Fall Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Changwon, Korea, Oct. 10-11 (2013) 


15.  (Poster, English) Rational design of interfaces for nitric oxide storage and release by bio-inspired catecholamine, The 7th World Congress on Biomimetics, Artificial Muscles and Nano-Bio (BAMN13). Jeju, Korea, Aug. 26-30 (2013)


14. (Poster) A novel nitric oxide delivery platform using bio-inspired adhesive catecholamines. 2013 Spring Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, Apr. 11-12 (2013) 


13. (Poster, English) Pluronic diazeniumdiolates for preparing anti-restenosis agents. 16th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Systems, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Feb. 3-6 (2013) 


12. (Poster) Mussel-inspired surface chemistry as a new platform for nitric-oxide delivery. 2012 Spring Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, Apr. 12-13 (2012) 


11. (Poster) Nitric oxide (NO)-releasing materials as a potential inhibitor for restenosis. International Symposium on Nature-Inspired Technology (2012 ISNIT), Jeongseon, Korea, Jan. 9-11 (2012) 


10. (Poster) Synthesis and characterization of MMP-2 crosslinked multi-arm polycaprolactone. 2011 Fall Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Gwangju, Korea, Oct. 6-7 (2011)


9. (Poster, English) NO delivery by NONOates-conjugated pluronic hydrogel for controlling cell proliferation. The 3th Asian Biomaterials Congress, Busan, Korea, Sep. 15-17 (2011) 


8. (Poster) NONOates-polyethyleneimine hydrogel for controlled nitric oxide release and cell proliferation modulation. 2011 Spring Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, Apr. 7-8 (2011) 


7. (Poster, English) PEI-g-PEG-RGD polymer as a siRNA carrier for anti-angiogenic tumor therapy. The 2nd Korean Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society, Seoul, Korea, Nov. 30 (2010) 


6. (Oral) NONOates-polyethyleneimine hydrogel for controlled nitric oxide release and cell proliferation modulation. 2010 Fall Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Daegu, Korea, Oct. 7-8 (2010) 


5. (Poster, English) Thermo-sensitive pluronic F127-bPEI-NONOate hydrogel for preventing restenosis. International Symposium on Polymer Chemistry (PC 2010), Su'zhou, China, June 2-6 (2010) 


4. (Poster, English) Thermo-sensitive pluronic F127-BPEI-NONOate as a new nitric oxide donor. 23rd International Symposium on Polymer Analysis and Characterization (ISPAC 2010), Pohang, Korea, May 30-June 2 (2010) 


3. (Poster) Thermo-sensitive pluronicⓇ F127-bPEI-NONOate hydrogel for preventing restenosis. 2010 Spring Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, Apr.8-9 (2010) 


2. (Poster, English) Non-viral gene delivery with gene-activated chitosan-gelatin scaffold. 2nd TERMIS World Congress, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 31-Sep. 03 (2009) 


1. (Poster) Non-viral gene delivery with gene-activated chitosan-gelatin scaffold. 2009 Spring Meeting of The Polymer Society of Korea, Daejeon, Korea, Apr. 9-10 (2009)

Conference Session Chair

Chung-Ang U. (2024.03.01~Current)

4. Korean Society for Nanomedicine 2024 Fall Meeting (2024.11.29, Genexine , Korea) - Session II (2024.11.29, Genexine , Korea)

Session Chair, 2024.11.29, Genexine, Korea​.

3. The Polymer Society of Korea 2024 Fall Meeting (2024.09.30-2024.10.02, BEXKO , Korea- COXMAX Session (2024.09.30, BEXKO , Korea)

Session Chair, 2024.09.30, BEXKO, Korea​.

2. Nano Korea 2024 (2024.07.03-2024.07.05, Ilsan, Korea) - Nanomedicine Session (2024.07.03-2024.07.04, Ilsan, Korea)

 Session Chair, 2024.07.03, Ilsan, Korea.


1. World Biomaterials Congress 2024 (2024.07.03-2024.07.05, Ilsan, Korea) - Biomaterials for environment sensitive drug release Session (2024.05.27, Daegu, Korea)

Session Chair, 2024.05.27, Daegu , Korea.

We are recruiting

1. Integrated Ms/PhD students

2. Integrated BSc/MSc students 

3. PhD students 

who are majored in any fields associated with Biomedical Engineering, Biomaterials, Life Science or Chemistry. Contact PI for any questions about applications!

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